What is RSS ?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) provides a convenient way for you to receive regular content "feeds" from a variety of sources, including headlines, news, stories and Web site updates. Rather than surfing each day from site to site, you can simply view here a regular feed from your favorite news or information sites. When you select or add a new link, new stories and updates are pushed out to you. You can access here all your feeds in one convenient spot. RSS is an xml format for encoding information. It is quickly becoming the standard method for sending headlines, and related things, across the world wide web.
What is ATOM ?
Atom is a format quite similar to RSS. It was created by people who felt that RSS could be improved upon, and some that disagreed with some of the politics regarding RSS. The basic difference is that while Atom is somewhat more complex (for producers of Atom feeds), it is also able to carry more complex information, and it is consistent across the syndication, storage, and editing of information. Just about feeds delivered on this page RSS applies equally well to Atom.
Help on how to add or view a new RSS/ATOM link here:
To get and view here a new RSS Feed link, look on the pages of your favorite site for one of these icons:  or  or  or  or simply the link RSS or RSS Feed. The orange icon shows that the Site is offering some of its featured articles and items via RSS. In order to view these feeds, you need to download news reader/aggregator software or use a Web-based news reader like the one in this page.
To show the feed you can just right-click on the icon, select "copy shortcut" and then "paste" into the form on the left and then click 'Get Feed!'. That's all !
NEW: ATOM Feed format reader also available!!