- Procedures useful for working with arrays.
Data Conversion
- Conversion procedures convert data from one format to another.
- Procedures to access a database and work with it's contents.
- Procedures to deal with date and time.
- Procedures to help in script debugging
- Email related functions
File/Folder read/write
- Procedures to work with files or folders on the server.
HTML Retrieval and Parsing
- Procedures for retrieving html and parsing it.
- Procedures that perform mathematical operations.
- Procedures useful for numbers.
- Miscellaneous procedures
- Procedures for working with absolute and virtual paths.
- Functions to manipulate, alter and check strings.
- Procedures useful for working with arrays.
ArrayAverage Function - Calculate the Average of Items in a Numeric Array
bIsInArray Function - Determine if a Value/Object exists in an any kind multidimensional array.
CombSort Function - Sorts an array alphabetically (A - Z) or numerically (low to high).
ExchangeSort Function - Sorts an array alphabetically (A - Z) or numerically (low to high).
HasDups Function - Indicates if an array has at least one duplicate value.
ItemArrayPos Function - Check to see if element exists and return the position in the array.
MaxValOfIntArray Function - Get The max value of an Int Array without sorting
MultiArraySort Function - Sorts multidimensional arrays by column either ascending or descending.
RandomArray Function - Randomizes an Array's content's order
RemDups Function - RemDups removes duplicates from an array and returns a new array with no duplicates.
RemoveItemFromArray Function - Remove an Item from an Array
RevArray Function - Reverses the order of an array.
SelectionSort Function - Sorts an array alphabetically (A - Z) or numerically (low to high).
SplitMulti Function - Split function variation that accepts multiple separators
SplitRegExp Function - Uses a regular expression to split a string into an array of elements.
StrToArray Function - Converts a string or integer to an array of characters/bytes.
Data Conversion
- Conversion procedures convert data from one format to another.
CBit Function - Work with SQL Server BIT fields? This function converts anything to a bit value (integer 1 or 0)
Decrypt Function - Changes an encrypted string into readable text.
DegC Function - Converts a Fahrenheit temperature into a Celsius temperature.
DegF Function - Converts a Celsius temperature into a Fahrenheit temperature.
DegK Function - Converts Celcius temperatures to Kelvin.
Encrypt Function - Encrypts a string.
HTMLDecode Function - Decodes an HTML encoded string.
IPAddressToNumber Function - Convert an IP address to IP number
MetricToStandard Function - Translates a Metric measure into a US Standard measure.
Nautical/Flight Functions - Ten functions performing nautical/Flight conversion calculations
NumericToRoman Function - Converts numbers to roman format.
ProperCase Function - Returns a string in proper case.
StandardToMetric Function - Translates a US Standard measure into a Metric measure.
- Procedures to access a database and work with it's contents.
CompactDB Function - Compact an MS Access database.
DateDB Function - Prepare date to be stored into a database in ISO format.
EscapeApos Function - EscapeApos properly escapes varchar input for sql server as well as MS Access.
EscapeBit Function - Escapes a boolean field for sql statements (sql server).
EscapeDate Function - Escapes a variant date for sql server.
EscapeInt Function - Escapes a number for sql statements (sql server).
MkDatabase Function - Creates an empty Microsoft Access Database.
NoSQLInjection Function - Protection against an SQL Injection attempt.
Procedures Function - Returns an array containing the names of all procedures in a database.
RecordCount Function - Returns the record count returned by an SQL statement.
RecordCount2 Function - Returns the record count returned from a given database Table.
RecSet Function - Returns a two-dimensional array representing the resultant recordset of an SQL query.
SQL_Boolean Function - Prepare booleans for SQL query.
SQL_Currency Function - Prepare currency for SQL query.
SQL_Date Function - Prepare dates for SQL query.
SQL_Numeric Function - Prepare numerics for SQL.
SQL_String Function - Prepare strings for SQL
SqlExec Statement - Executes an sql statement that returns no records on a database.
Tables Function - Returns an array of all table names in a database.
- Procedures to deal with date and time.
CheckDayLightSavings Function - Check if a passed datetime value is in Daylight Savings Time.
ExaxtAge Function - Calculate a Person's age
GetDaysInMonth Function - How many days in a given month
GetFirstOfMonth Function - Returns a date variable containing the first day of the month submitted.
GetLastOfMonth Function - Returns the last day for a given date.
GetStandardChangeDate Function - Returns daylight saving change date (Last Sunday in October)
GetwWorkDays Funcion - Get work days between a interval
IsLeapYear Function - Function to determine if a given Year is a Leapyear
Military2TwelveHour Function - Convert military time to twelve hour format.
MilitaryTime Function - Formats a time measure into proper Military time (24 hr).
NthPreviousWeekdayDate Function - Find the previous specified day of week before the specified date.
NthWeekdayDate Function - Find the date of the specified day within the month.
SecondsToTime Function - Coverts seconds to hh:mm:ss format.
SwapDate Function - Changes an US into an Internationally formatted date (mm/dd/yy-dd/mm/yy) and vice-versa.
TimeInRange Function - Determine if the current Time falls within a range
TimeToSeconds Function - Converts hh:mm:ss to seconds.
WeekNumber Function - Retrieve The Week Number For a Given Date
- Procedures to help in script debugging
Script_Variables Procedure - Debug your script variables collection
- Email related functions
AsciiCode Function - Converts email address to ASCII Character codes. Stop spam bots/spiders.
Emailer Function - Send email using either CDOSYS, JMail, CDONTS or AspEmail components
File/Folder read/write
- Procedures to work with files or folders on the server.
DoExecute Function - Open an ASP file and execute its contents (instead of using an Include or Server.Execute()).
FileCopy Statement - Copies a file or folder.
FileCount Function - Count files in a given folder.
FileCreate Statement - Creates a file.
FileDateTime Function - Returns the time and date a file was last modified.
FileDelete Statement - Deletes one or more files.
FileFind Function - Checks for the existence of a file
FileRead Function - Read a text file.
FileRename Statement - Renames a file.
FileSize Function - Returns a long representing the size of a file in bytes.
FileWrite Statement - Writes to a text file.
FolderCount Function - Count sub folders in a given folder.
FolderCreate Statement - Creates a directory or folder.
FolderDelete Statement - Deletes a directory or folder.
FolderFind Function - Checks for the existence of a folder.
LastUpdated Function - Retrieve the last updated date of a page.
HTML Retrieval and Parsing
- Procedures for retrieving html and parsing it.
GetHrefs Function - GetHrefs Function parses a string for html anchor tags and returns them.
GetWebPage Function - Returns the html source code of a specified web address.
HighLight Function - HighLight keywords in a string.
ParseURL Function - Parses a portion of a URL.
- Procedures that perform mathematical operations.
CalcArea Function - Calculates the area of a triangle, square, rectangle, etc...
CalcSphereSurface Function - Calculates the surface of a sphere
CalcSphereVolume Function - Calculates the volume of a sphere
Ceiling Function - Ceiling returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the given numeric expression.
Floor Function - Floor returns the largest integer less than or equal to the given numeric expression.
Math Functions - Various Mathematical Functions
Pi Function - Returns the mathematical constant Pi.
- Procedures useful for numbers.
AddLeadingZeros - Creates a number having a given length, by adding zeros to the front of the number until the length is met.
BaseN2Decimal Function - Converts any base to base 10.
CBin Function - Convert a numeric value to binary
Decimal2BaseN Function - Converts base 10 to any base.
Hex2Dec Function - Converts an Hexadecimal value to Decimal.
IncrTextString Function - Increment a Text String (from ABY to ABZ to AZA etc.)
Int32Parse Function - Replaces Int32.Parse() method from ASP.NET
IsNaN Function - Determines whether or not a variant is numeric and convertable to a sub type of double.
IsOdd Function - Determines if a number is odd as opposed to even.
IsPrime Function - Checks to see if a number is a primary number.
IsWhole Function - IsWhole determines whether or not a numeric variant is a whole number or not.
MkRnd Function - Creates a random number of a specified length.
NewCInt Function - A more convenient CInt.
NumberToLetter Function - Convert any number to a string equivalent (like Excel column letters)
NumberToString Function - Convert any number to a string
ProperNum Function - Returns a properly formatted number: 1 > 1st, 123 > 123rd.
- Miscellaneous procedures
CheckReferer Function - Validate referer URLs.
ExpireImage Function - Show a expiry image
IIF Function - IIF Function from Visual Basic.
ListApplications Statement - List all Application variables
ListSessions Statement - List all Session variables.
NATOSpelling Procedure - Convert to the NATO international phonetic alphabet
QueryStringBuilder Function - This function replaces or add specified variables In the existing QUERY_STRING
RequestToVar Function - Retrieve all variables from each type of Request and assign variables to them
W Statement - Response.Write replacer
- Procedures for working with absolute and virtual paths.
GetAbsolutePath Function - Convert a relative path to an absolute path
GetCurPageName Function - This function let you get the current page name.
GetCurPagePath Function - This function let you get the current page path.
GetCurPageURL Function - How to get the current page URL
Root Function - Returns the root folder of the server.
UnMappath Function - Returns a string representing the virtual location of an absolute path.
- Functions to manipulate, alter and check strings.
AddChr Function - Adds characters to a string in a specific location.
AddZero Function - Adds leading zeroes to a specified length.
BinaryToString Function - Converts the binary content to text.
CountWord Function - Counts the number of words in a string.
Format Function - Formats a number, date or time based on the user entered format type.
FormatString Function - Formats a string upon a reference mask.
FormatTxt Function - Formats a string with special HTML characters.
GetAlphaRegExp Function - Get only non numerics from a given alphanumeric string.
GetNumberRegExp Function - Get only numbers from a given alphanumeric string.
HexToStr Function - Converts an Hexadecimal string to its value.
InstrCount Function - Count the number of occurrences of a character sequence in a String
IsAlpha Function - Allows only white space, letters of the alphabet, and underscore characters to pass as valid input.
IsAlphaNumeric Function - Allows only white space, letters, numbers, and underscore characters to pass as valid input.
IsBlank Function - Check if a variable, string, object or array is empty
IsLike Function - Compares a string to a regular expression.
LinkURLs Function - Transforms URL or Email to Links
MidRev Function - Same as Mid() Function but in reverse.
OnlyNumbers Function - Trim Non-numeric Characters Using ASCII
RandomPassword Function - Generate a random password of defined length.
RemChr Function - Removes unwanted characters from a string.
RepCR Function - Replace carriage returns with HTML BR
StrBanned Function - Ban form input containing unwanted text
StrCensor Function - Removes disallowed words from a string.
StrCheck Function - Checks a string for a specified length.
StrCutOff Function - This function allows to control the length of a string.
StrExpand Function - Expands a string by inserting spaces between characters and three spaces when it encounters a space.
StripASPCodeRegExp Function - Strips/replaces any ASP Code that may be found in a string.
StripHTML Function - Removes HTML code from a string.
StripHTMLRegExp Function - Allow users to post safe HTML to your site.
StripSpaces Function - Removes all white space from a string.
StrRepeat Function - VBScript String() Function replacement that supports multiple characters
StrToHex Function - Converts a string to its hex value.
TrimCHR Function - Trim leading and trailing comma or other character or string from a string.
TrimEx - Trims a string of all leading and trailing whitespace.
UniqueChars Function - Return and Count Unique Characters from a String
URLDecode Function - Decodes a urlencoded string.
URLDecode2 Function - Decodes a urlencoded string.
ValidationCode Function - Generate a random code of defined length.