SQL_Boolean Function:
Prepare booleans for SQL query.
Prepare booleans for SQL according to database type (MSAccess, MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle), set a default value if expression is null. This is useful to input the correct boolean in the SQL statement, -1 for MSAccess means True either 1 for MSSQL and MySQL and Oracle.
boolean = SQL_Boolean(expression, defaultvalue, databasetype)
expression: "yes", "on", "true", "True", "-1", "1" for True "no", "off", "false", "False", "0" for False
databasetype: MSAccess MSSQL MySQL Oracle
dim a
a = SQL_Boolean("on", 0, "MSAccess") '--- returns -1
a = SQL_Boolean("yes", 0, "MySQL") '--- returns 1
a = SQL_Boolean("yes", 0, "MSSQL") '--- returns 1
a = SQL_Boolean("yes", 0, "Oracle") '--- returns 1
ASP Source Code:
Public Function SQL_boolean(ByVal abExpression, ByRef abDefault, ByRef DbType) '--- Declare Database Constants Dim lbTrue, lbFalse If LCASE(dbType) = "msaccess" Then lbTRUE = -1 '--- (-1 = MSAccess) Else lbTRUE = 1 '--- (1 = SQL) End if lbFALSE = 0 Dim lbResult '--- Result to be passed back '--- Prepare for any errors that may occur On Error Resume Next '--- If expression not provided If abExpression = "" Then '--- Set expression to default value abExpression = abDefault End If '--- abExpression = "" '--- Attempt to convert expression lbResult = CBool(abExpression) '--- If Err Occured If Err Then '--- Clear the error Err.Clear '--- Determine action based on Expression Select Case LCase(abExpression) '--- True expressions Case "yes", "on", "true", "True", "-1", "1" lbResult = True '--- False expressions Case "no", "off", "false", "False", "0" lbResult = False '--- Unknown expression Case Else lbResult = abDefault End Select '--- LCase(abExpression) End If ' Err '--- If result is True If lbResult Then '--- Return True SQL_boolean = lbTRUE '--- Else Result is false Else '--- Return False SQL_boolean = lbFALSE End If '--- lbResult End Function '--- SQL_boolean