ParseURL Function:
Parses a portion of a URL.
ParseURL Function parses the various parts of a URL. Allowed values to parse: Protocol, Server, Domain, Path, File, Hash and Query
Dim a
string = ParseURl(strURL, strPartOfURL)
strURL: the URL to parse
strPart (allowed URL part values to parse): Protocol Server Domain Path File Hash Query
response.write ParseURL("", "server") '--- returns:
ASP Source Code:
Function ParseURL(strURL, strPart) Dim arrTemp, strTemp, nPos On Error Resume Next Select Case LCase(strPart) Case "protocol" '--- return the protocol, eg. http://, ftp:// nPos = InStr(strURL, ":") + 1 Do Until (Mid(strURL, nPos, 1) <> "/") And (Mid(strURL, nPos, 1) <> "\") nPos = nPos + 1 Loop ParseURL = Left(strURL, nPos - 1) Case "server" '--- return the server, eg. strTemp = ParseURL(strURL, "protocol") strURL = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - Len(strTemp)) If InStr(strURL, "/") Then strTemp = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "/") - 1) ElseIf InStr(strURL, "\") Then strTemp = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "\") - 1) End If If InStr(strTemp, "@") Then '--- remove user/password combo, return only the server ParseURL = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - InStr(strTemp, "@")) Else ParseURL = strTemp End If Case "domain" '--- return only the domain, eg.,, etc strTemp = ParseURL(strURL, "server") arrTemp = Split(strTemp, ".") ParseURL = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp) - 1) & "." & arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp)) Case "path" '--- return the path If InStr(strURL, "#") Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "#") - 1) If InStr(strURL, "?") Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "?") - 1) If InStrRev(strURL, "/") > InStrRev(strURL, "\") Then ParseURL = Left(strURL, InStrRev(strURL, "/")) ElseIf InStrRev(strURL, "\") > InStrRev(strURL, "/") Then ParseURL = Left(strURL, InStrRev(strURL, "\")) End If Case "file" '--- return the filename only If InStr(strURL, "#") Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "#") - 1) If InStr(strURL, "?") Then strURL = Left(strURL, InStr(strURL, "?") - 1) If InStrRev(strURL, "/") > InStrRev(strURL, "\") Then ParseURL = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - InStrRev(strURL, "/")) ElseIf InStrRev(strURL, "\") > InStrRev(strURL, "/") Then ParseURL = Right(strURL, Len(strURL) - InStrRev(strURL, "\")) End If Case "hash" '--- return the bookmark (hash) without the hash mark If InStr(strURL, "#") Then arrTemp = Split(strURL, "#") strTemp = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp)) If InStr(strTemp, "?") Then ParseURL = Left(strTemp, InStr(strTemp, "?") - 1) Else ParseURL = strTemp End If Else ParseURL = "" End If Case "query" '--- return the query string without the question mark If InStr(strURL, "?") Then arrTemp = Split(strURL, "?") strTemp = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp)) If InStr(strTemp, "#") Then ParseURL = Left(strTemp, InStr(strTemp, "#") - 1) Else ParseURL = strTemp End If Else ParseURL = "" End If End Select If Err.Number <> 0 Then ParseURL = "" End Function