NoSQLInjection Function:
Protection against an SQL Injection attempt.
The NoSQLInjection function holds an array of illegal characters and words, it loops through these checking for their presence in the input string using the InStr function. If any are present in the input string then NoSQLInjection returns False.
boolean = NoSQLInjection(strInput)
Dim sUsername, sPassword '--- retrieve our form textbox values and assign to variables sUsername=Request.Form("txtUsername") sPassword=Request.Form("txtPassword")
'--- Call the function NoSQLInjection to check for illegal characters If NoSQLInjection(sUsername) = True OR NoSQLInjection(sPassword) = True Then Response.redirect("access_denied.asp") End If
ASP Source Code:
Private Function NoSQLInjection(byVal strInput) Dim sBadChars, bTemp, i '--- Disallowed characters and words sBadChars=array("select", "drop", "insert", "delete", "update", "xp_", _ "char", "nchar", "varchar", "nvarchar","declare", "end", "exec",_ "alter", "begin", "cast", "create", "cursor","execute", "open",_ "table", "sys", "sysobjects", "syscolumns", "fetch", "kill",_ "--", "..", "{", "}", "[", "]", "<", ">", "(", ")", "#", "%", "&", "'", "`", _ "/", "\", ":", ";", "=", "?", "|", "$", "*", "!", "^", " ") for i= 0 to uBound(sBadChars) If Instr(strInput, sBadChars(i)) > 0 Then bTemp = True if bTemp then Exit For next for i = 1 to Len(strInput) if Asc(Mid(strInput, i, 1)) = 160 then bTemp = True if bTemp then Exit For next if Not bTemp then '--- Addition for leading and trailing spaces bTemp = (len(strInput) <> len(Trim(strInput))) end if '--- if any of the above are true, the string is invalid NoSQLInjection = Not bTemp End Function '--- NoSQLInjection