MultiArraySort Function:
Sorts multidimensional arrays by column either ascending or descending.
The function will sort a multidimensional array and reorder all the information in each row of the array so that the selected column of the array is sorted. The first row of the array is used to decide what variable types are being used for the sort column.
SortArray = MultiArraySort(unsortedarray, sortcolumn, sortdirection)
sortdirection argument: either a (ascending) d (descending)
The result of the example below will be: ford blue 12.500,00 toyota white 22.000,00 bmw yellow 26.000,00 porsche red 50.000,00
'--- create a multidimensional array Dim myArray(2,3) '--- myArray(col, row) myArray(0, 0) = "toyota" myArray(1, 0) = "white" myArray(2, 0) = "22.000,00" myArray(0, 1) = "ford" myArray(1, 1) = "blue" myArray(2, 1) = "12.500,00" myArray(0, 2) = "porsche" myArray(1, 2) = "red" myArray(2, 2) = "50.000,00" myArray(0, 3) = "bmw" myArray(1, 3) = "yellow" myArray(2, 3) = "26.000,00"
Dim i Dim MultiArraySorted Dim intSortColumn Dim strSortDirection intSortColumn = 2 '--- sort by column 2 strSortDirection = "desc" '--- sort direction either "asc" or "desc" If isArray(MyArray) Then MultiArraySorted = MultiArraySort(MyArray, intSortColumn, strSortDirection) End if
'--- sort array and display the result Response.Write "<table border='0'>" Response.Write "<tr><td>Col</td><td>0</td>" Response.Write "<td>1</td><td>2</td></tr>" Response.Write "<tr><td>Row</td><td>Car</td>" Response.Write "<td>Color</td><td>Cost</td></tr>" For i = 0 to UBound(MultiArraySorted, 2) Response.Write "<tr><td>" & i & "</td>" Response.Write "<td>" & MultiArraySorted(0,i) & "</td>" Response.Write "<td>" & MultiArraySorted(1,i) & "</td>" Response.Write "<td>" & MultiArraySorted(2,i) & "</td></tr>" Next Response.Write "</table>"
ASP Source Code:
Private Function MultiArraySort(ByVal values(), ByVal intSortCol, ByVal sSort_Dir) Dim i Dim j Dim value Dim value_j dim min dim max dim temp dim datatype dim intComp dim intA dim intCheckIndex Dim strDirection strDirection = Left(sSort_Dir, 1) On Error Resume next min = lbound(values,2) max = ubound(values,2) '--- check to see what direction you want to sort. '--- "d" = descending if lcase(strDirection) = "d" then intComp = -1 else intComp = 1 end if if intSortCol < 0 or intSortCol > ubound(values,1) then arraysort = values exit function end if '--- find the first item which has valid data in it to sort intCheckIndex = min while len(trim(values(intSortCol,intCheckIndex))) = 0 and intCheckIndex < ubound(values,2) intCheckIndex = intCheckIndex + 1 wend if isDate(trim(values(intSortCol,intCheckIndex))) then datatype = 1 else if isNumeric(trim(values(intSortCol,intCheckIndex))) then datatype = 2 else datatype = 0 end if end if For i = min To max - 1 value = values(intSortCol,i) value_j = i For j = i + 1 To max select case datatype case 0 '--- See if values(j) is smaller. works with strings now. If strComp(values(intSortCol,j),value,vbTextCompare) = intComp Then '--- Save the new smallest value. value = values(intSortCol,j) value_j = j End If case 1 if intComp = -1 then if DateDiff("s",values(intSortCol,j),value) > 0 then '--- Save the new smallest value. value = values(intSortCol,j) value_j = j end if else if DateDiff("s",values(intSortCol,j),value) < 0 then '--- Save the new smallest value. value = values(intSortCol,j) value_j = j end if end if case 2 if intComp = -1 then if cdbl(values(intSortCol,j)) < cdbl(value) then '--- Save the new smallest value. value = values(intSortCol,j) value_j = j end if else if cdbl(values(intSortCol,j)) > cdbl(value) then '--- Save the new smallest value. value = values(intSortCol,j) value_j = j end if end if end select Next 'j If value_j <> i Then '--- Swap items i and value_j. for intA = 0 to ubound(values,1) temp = values(intA,value_j) values(intA,value_j) = values(intA,i) values(intA,i) = temp next '--- intA End If Next '--- i If Err Then On Error GoTo 0 Err.Raise 5156, "MultiArraySort Function", _ "An error occurred sorting multiple array." End If MultiArraySort = values End Function