EscapeApos Function:
EscapeApos properly escapes varchar input for sql server as well as MS Access.
EscapeApos properly escapes strings for sql. EscapeApos automatically returns the surrounding "'" 's along with the escaped input.
escapedString = EscapeApos(inputString)
The following illustrates what is returned by the function for certain types of input:
Iinput: "my dog's fleas" Output: "my dog''s fleas"
Input: "" Output: "NULL"
Input: "flowers and candy" Output: "flowers and candy"
dim name, id, sql, c
'--- escape string name = EscapeApos(Request("name"))
'--- ensure int id = CLng(Request("id"))
'--- build sql sql = "UPDATE table1 SET name = " & name & " WHERE ID = " & id
'--- execute sql Set c = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") c.Open "connstring" c.Execute sql c.Close Set c = Nothing
ASP Source Code:
Function EscapeApos(ByVal input) If IsNull(input) Then EscapeApos = "NULL" Exit Function End If
If IsEmpty(input) then EscapeApos = "NULL" Exit Function End If
If Len(Trim(input)) = 0 Then EscapeApos = "NULL" Exit Function End If
EscapeApos = "'" & Replace(input, "'", "''") & "'" End Function